Welcome to the website of the Oundle Business Association
What We Are About
Our vision is that the Association shall strive to care for the interests of the community and the commercial wellbeing of the Town of Oundle and its surrounding villages. We aim to do this by looking after the interests of our members, encouraging trade between member businesses and seeking inward investment to The Town.
The Association aims to provide a common platform for the discussion of issues which affect the business community. The main vehicles for this are the monthly social networking meetings held at 6pm on or around the first Wednesday of each month. See the Events Page for full details
A Bit of History
Responsible for the Christmas lights in Oundle for many years, this responsibility has been taken over by the Town Council, however The Association maintains an active role in planning and promoting local events and initiatives to promote Oundle as a good place to visit and do business. In 2018 the name was changed from the Oundle and District Association of Trade & Commerce to Oundle Business Association to better reflect the wide range of member businesses.
What We Do
Although not a political or lobbying group, where appropriate the Association presents a unified voice from local commerce in dealings with government and other statutory bodies. The predominant role of the Association is to be a focus for local businesses in their mutual dealings.
In recent times the membership has swelled and the monthly social networking evenings are buoyant affairs with much discussion of business matters and local issues along with general socialising that takes place over a relaxed glass of wine. New members are always welcome to attend, please visit our Joining Page for more details.
As well as the regular social networking evenings, the Association organises special events throughout the year ranging from business briefings to social outings. We are very much led by our members and their suggestions on what events are of value to them. Please see our Events Page for more details.

Members Networking & Social Meeting
OBA Celebrates Milestone 100th Member
Oundle Business Association recently marked a significant milestone in its history - welcoming its 100th member! This...
‘Oundle Business on Show’ Success
On Saturday 1st April 2023 twenty of OBA's businesses took to the Queen Victoria Hall to display their services and wares in...
Oundle Walking App Launched – Another OBA Initiative
Another Oundle Business Association led initiative in association with Oundle Town Council has borne fruit with the recent...
OBA Celebrates Milestone 100th Member
Oundle Business Association recently marked a significant milestone in its history - welcoming its 100th member! This...
‘Oundle Business on Show’ Success
On Saturday 1st April 2023 twenty of OBA's businesses took to the Queen Victoria Hall to display their services and wares in...